Rabu, 20 Juni 2012

The Srivijaya Of Kingdom

Srivijaya Kingdom

Posted By Drs.Mutawalli,M.Pd.I

Srivijaya is one powerful maritime kingdom on the island of Sumatra and much influence in the archipelago with the territory stretching from Cambodia, Thailand, Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi . In Sanskrit, Sri Means "shining" and wijaya means "victory". Initial evidence of the existence of this kingdom from the 7th century; a minister of China, I-sing, writes that he visited Srivijaya in 671 and stayed for 6 months. Next oldest inscriptions of Srivijaya also in the 7th century was Kedukan Bukit inscription in Palembang, 682 AD. Srivijaya influence the decline of the area began to shrink due to subordinate some of the battle such an attack from the king of Java (990 AD), and in 1025 the attack of the Coromandel Coladewa Rajendra, 1183 next year under the control of the kingdom of Srivijaya Dharmasraya. And at the end of the period, the kingdom was subdued under the Majapahit kingdom.
After Srivijaya fell, the kingdom is forgotten and historians do not know the existence of this kingdom. Srivijaya existence is officially known in 1918 by the French historian George Coedes of the École française d'Extreme-Orient. Around the year 1992 to 1993, Pierre-Yves Manguin proved that the center of Srivijaya in the Musi River between Bukit Seguntang and Sabokingking (located in South Sumatra province, Indonesia).
There is no further record of Srivijaya in the history of Indonesia; the forgotten past was re-established by a foreign scholar. No modern Indonesian people who heard about Srivijaya until the 1920s, when French scholar George Coedes publish his findings in the Dutch language newspaper, and Indonesia. Coedes China stated that the reference to "San-fo-ts'i", previously read "Sribhoja", and some inscriptions in the ancient Malays refer to the same empire. Srivijaya became a symbol of the greatness of early Sumatra, and the kingdom of Majapahit in the archipelago except East Java. In the 20th century, the kingdom has become a reference by the nationalists to show that Indonesia is a unit of Dutch colonialism before. Srivijaya called by various names. People call Tionghoa Shih-li-fo-shih, or San-fo-Fo ts'i or San Qi. In Sanskrit and Pali, the kingdom of Srivijaya called Yavadesh and Javadeh. Arabs call call Zabag Malay and Khmer. The number of names is another reason why Srivijaya was difficult to find.
Here are some of the known historical sources related to Srivijaya: Inscription relating to the Srivijaya
- Inscription Ligor in Thailand
- Inscription of Canton in Canton
- Inscription Siwagraha
- Inscription Nalanda in India
- Charter of Leiden in India
- Inscription Tanjor
- Inscription Grahi
- Inscription Padang Roco
- Inscription Sri Lanka
Sources China news
- Annals of the Tang Dynasty
- Chronicle of the Sung Dynasty
- Chronicle of the Ming Dynasty
- Chronicle Travel I Tsing
- Chronic Chu-fan-chi by Chau Ju-kua
- Chronic Tao Chih Wang Lio by Yan Ta
- Chronic Ling-wai Tai-ta by Chou Ku Fei
- Chronic Ying-yai Sheng-lan by Ma Huan
Ancient language inscriptions Melayu
- Inscription Kedukan Hill on June 16, 682 AD in Palembang
- Talang Tuo Inscription March 23 684 AD in Palembang
- Telaga Batu inscription to the 7th century AD in Palembang
- Inscription Palas Pasemah 7th century AD in South Lampung
- Inscription Rock Brahi the 7th century AD in Jambi
- Kota Kapur Inscription February 28, 686 AD at P. Bangka
- Inscription Sojomerto the 7th century AD in the district of Batang, Central Java
Not much physical evidence of Srivijaya which can be found. Srivijaya Empire has been around since 671 in accordance with the note on I-sing.
The kingdom was a center of trade and the maritime countries. This country does not extend his power outside the Southeast Asian archipelago, with the exception of Madagascar contributed to the population as far as 3300 miles to the west. Around the year 500, the root of Srivijaya began to develop in the region around Palembang, Sumatra. This kingdom consists of three main zones - the mouth of the centered capital Palembang, Musi River valley that serves as a support area and estuary areas that could rival a rival power center. Musi river upstream region rich in various precious commodity for traders of China Capital ruled directly by the authorities, while local supporters remain governed by the ruler (progenitor) local.
From the inscription Kedukan Bukit 682 in the year under the leadership of Dapunta Hyang Jayanasa, Kingdom Minanga surrenders under Srivijaya Empire. Control of the gold-rich Malay has increased the prestige of the kingdom. In the 7th century, the Tionghoa noted that there are two kingdoms in Sumatra and the Malay kingdom of Kedah and three in Java to be part of Srivijaya Empire. In the late 8th century, several kingdoms in Java, among others Holing Tarumanegara are under the control of Srivijaya. According to records, at this time also-Buddhist dynasty Sailendra Malays migrated to Central Java and ruled there. Based on the inscription Lime City, empire controlled the southern part of Sumatra to Lampung, controlling the trade in the Strait of Malacca, South China Sea, Java Sea, and Strait Karimata. In this century too, Langkasuka Malays in the peninsula became part of the kingdom. In the next period, and Trambralinga Pan Pan, which lies north of Langkasuka, and also under the influence of Srivijaya.
Expansion of this empire to Java and the Malay Peninsula, Srivijaya controlled two make a major trade center in Southeast Asia. Based on observation, it’s found in the ruins of the temples Srivijaya in Thailand and Cambodia. In the 7th century, Cham port east of Indochina began to shift many traders from Srivijaya. To prevent this, Maharaja Dharmasetu launched several attacks on coastal cities in Indochina. Indrapura town on the banks of the Mekong River, in the early 8th century is under the control of Srivijaya. Srivijaya continued its domination of Cambodia, until the Khmer King Jayawarman II, founder of the Khmer empire, broke with the kingdom in the same century.
After Dharmasetu, Samaratungga be the successor kingdoms. He ruled during the period 792 to 835. Unlike the expansionist Dharmasetu, Samaratungga no military expansion, but rather chose to strengthen the control of Srivijaya in Java. During his tenure, he built the Borobudur temple in Central Java that was completed in the year 825. In the 9th century, the area includes Sumatran Srivijaya Empire, Sri Lanka, Malay Peninsula, Western Java, Sulawesi, Maluku, Kalimantan, and the Philippines. With such control, the kingdom of Srivijaya became a great maritime empire until the 13th century.
Vajrayana Buddhism
As a Vajrayana Buddhist teaching center, Srivijaya attracted pilgrims and scholars from countries in Asia. Among other priests from China I-sing, who visited Sumatra on his way to study at Nalanda University, India, in the year 671 and 695, and in the 11th century, Atisha, a Buddhist scholar from Bengal who played in the development of Vajrayana Buddhism in Tibet. I-sing reported that Srivijaya became home to thousands of Buddhist scholars to become Buddhist learning center. Visitors who came to this island states that gold coins have been used in the coastal empire. Hinayana and Mahayana Buddhism also developed in the Kingdom.
Relations With Regional Powers
From historical records and archaeological evidence, stated that in the 9th century Srivijaya had made colonization of almost all the kingdoms of Southeast Asia, among others: Sumatra, Java, Malaya Peninsula, Cambodia and South Vietnam. Domination of the Straits of Malacca and Sunda straits, Srivijaya as a controller to make the trade routes of spices and local commerce charge for every ship that passed. Srivijaya accumulate wealth as a trading port and warehouse market serving China, and India.
Minanga is the first power of Srivijaya competitors can finally conquered in the 7th century. Melayu Kingdom has gold mining as an economic resource and the word Swarnnadwipa (island of gold) may refer to this case. And then Kedah is also subject and subordinate to the region.
In the early days, the Khmer empire was also a colony of Srivijaya. Many historians claim that Chaiya, Surat Thani province, southern Thailand, as the last capital of the kingdom, Srivijaya influence apparent on building the pagoda-style Borom That Kingdom. After the fall of Srivijaya, Chaiya is divided into three cities namely (Mueang) Chaiya, Thatong (Kanchanadit), and Khirirat Nikhom.
Srivijaya also closely related to the Pala kingdom in Bengal, and a numbered plaque notes that 860 kings Balaputra a monastery dedicated to the University Nalada, Pala. Relations with the Chola dynasty of southern India quite well and then become worse after Rajendra Coladewa ascended the throne and an attack on the 11th century.
Golden Age
In the year 902, Srivijaya sent tribute to China. Two years later, the last king of the Tang Dynasty conferred the title of the messenger of Srivijaya. China envoy from the literature that has this Arabic name given the information that in those days was related to Srivijaya Arab allow Srivijaya had entered the Islamic influence in the kingdom.
In the first half of the 10th century, between the fall of the Tang dynasty and the rise of the Song dynasty, with foreign trade is rampant, especially Fujian, Min royal and the rich countries of Guangdong, the kingdom of Nan Han. Srivijaya undoubtedly benefited from this trade. In the year 903, the Muslim writer Ibn Battuta was impressed with the prosperity of Srivijaya. Urban areas include the kingdom of Palembang (especially Hill Seguntang), Muara Jambi and Kedah.
The decline
Year 1025, Rajendra Coladewa, Chola king from Coromandel, southern India, conquered Kedah and takes it away from Srivijaya. Then the kingdom of Chola and successful assault continued subjugation of Srivijaya, during the next decades all over the empire under the influence of Srivijaya Coladewa Rajendra. Nevertheless Coladewa Rajendra still provides opportunities to the kings of the conquered to remain in power for still subject to him. After the invasion, eventually resulted in the weakening of the hegemony of Srivijaya, and then some areas to form the kingdom of his own subordinates, and then appeared Dharmasraya Kingdom, as a new force and later annexed the region and the Malay Peninsula, including Srivijaya sumatera itself.
Between the years 1079 - 1088, the Tionghoa was noted that San-fo-ts'i sends envoys from Jambi and Palembang. Years 1082 and 1088, Jambi sent more than two ambassadors to China.
Based on the source of China in the book of Chu-fan-chi which was written in 1178, Chou-Ju-Kua describe that in the islands of Southeast Asia there are two powerful kingdoms and rich, the San-fo-ts'i and Cho - po (Java). In Java, he found that people embraced Buddhism and Hinduism, while the people of San-fo-ts'i embraced Buddhism, and has 15 regional reports covering; Pong-fong (Pahang), Tong-ya-nong (Terengganu), Ling - ya-si-kia (Langkasuka), Kilantan (Kelantan), Fo-lo-an (Dungun river mouth area now Terengganu), Ji-lo-t'ing (Cherating, east coast Malay Peninsula), Ts'ien-mai ( Semawe, east coast Malay Peninsula), Pa-t'a (Paka River, east coast Malay Peninsula), Tan-ma-ling (Tambralingga, Ligor, southern Thailand), Kia-lo-hi (Grahi, now Chaiya, southern Thailand ), Pa-lin-fong (Palembang), Kien-pi (Jambi), Sin-t'o (Sunda), Lan-wu-li (Lamuri in Aceh), and Si-lan (Cambodia).
In the year 1275, Singhasari, successor to the kingdom of Kediri in Java, to expand and conquer the Bhumi Malayu known as Pamalayu expedition. And then in 1293, appeared as a substitute Singhasari Majapahit, and after Tribhuwana Wijayatunggadewi Queen ascended the throne, giving responsibility to Adityawarman, a Peranakan Malays and Javanese, to re-conquer Swarnnabhumi in 1339. And the name of Srivijaya period has not called again but has been replaced with the name of this Palembang in accordance with the outlines Pararaton Linguistic Theories of Gajah Mada.
In the Song Pamacangah Babad Arya Tabanan and is also called 'Arya Damar' as a regent of Palembang who have contributed to help Gajah Mada in conquered Bali in 1343, Prof.. C.C. Berg considered synonymous with Adityawarman.
In world trade, Srivijaya became the controlling trade routes between India and China, namely the possession of the straits of Malacca and Sunda straits. Noted that the Arabs have a variety of Srivijaya commodities like camphor, aloes wood, clove, nutmeg, cardamom, ivory, gold, and tin that make rich Srivijaya kings of kings in India. This abundant wealth has made it possible to buy the loyalty of Srivijaya vassal throughout Southeast Asia.
Cultural Influences
Srivijaya kingdom heavily influenced Indian culture, first by Hindu culture and then followed by Buddhism. Buddhism was introduced in Srivijaya in the year 425 AD. Srivijaya is the most important center of Mahayana Buddhism. Srivijaya kings over the archipelago through trade and conquest from the period of the 7th century until the 9th century. Thus directly participate in developing Nusantara Melayu culture.
Influence of Islam
Is very possible that the Srivijaya known as a center of Buddhism greatly influenced by Muslim visitors, so this kingdom will be embryo-Islamic kingdoms in Sumatra one day, while weakening Kingdom.
Suspected because of the influence of Arab Muslims are much visited in the Srivijaya, Srivijaya king named Sri Indrawarman converted to Islam in the year 718. So it is possible the social life of Srivijaya is a social community in which the Buddhist and Muslim communities as well. Recorded several times Srivijaya king sent a letter to the caliph of Islam in Syria. Even misuse is a manuscript letter addressed to the Caliph Umar bin Abdul Aziz (717-720M) with a request to the Deputy willing to send preachers to the palace of Srivijaya.